
[KCI] 카마타 요코, 강정은 (2020). 한국과 일본의 빈집 현황과 발생 요인에 관한 실증적 비교분석. 국토계획, 55(7):56-72.

카마타 요코, 강정은 (2020). 한국과 일본의 빈집 현황과 발생 요인에 관한 실증적 비교분석. 국토계획, 55(7):56-72.




Vacant houses, a typical phenomenon during the decline of a region, can give rise to social problems, including deteriorated surrounding landscapes and crimes such as arson, as well as inefficient utilization of social capital. This study empirically compared and analyzed local characteristics affecting the occurrence of vacant houses through a multi-regression analysis using statistical data from South Korea and Japan. By applying national, metropolitan, urban, and rural models using variables for both countries, the results revealed significant differences in the factors affecting the occurrence of vacant houses between South Korea and Japan. In particular, Japan avoided suburbanization and implemented an urban shrinkage policy of demolishing deteriorated houses in the existing urban areas and constructing new houses, thereby reducing the ratio of vacant houses. Conversely, South Korea focused on the development of underdeveloped suburban areas by supplying new houses, resulting in an increase in vacant houses. Furthermore, because South Korea has a significant gap between urban and rural areas, its rural areas are similar to those of Japan; hence, these areas experience serious vacant house problems. Therefore, South Korea should establish policies that consider local characteristics, including preferential regeneration of existing and deprived urban areas, rather than the new development of underdeveloped suburban areas.

연구과제 - 기본연구지원사업

DOI 링크 : http://doi.org/10.17208/jkpa.2020. 

첨부파일이(가) 없습니다.
[KCI] 동아현, 강정은, 이상혁, 하지혜, 이지윤 (2021). 기후변화 적응대책·기술의 지속가능성 평가방법 개발 및 적용. 한국기후변화학회지, 12(1):49-66.
황희수 2021-03-30 11:27:02.163
[SSCI] Bae, H.J., Kang, J.E. and Lim, Y.R. (2020). Assessment of Relative Asthma Risk in Populations Living near Incineration Facilities in Seoul, Korea
동아현 2020-11-05 17:49:04.077
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