
최지윤, 강정은 (2024). 아동친화시설의 공간 접근도를 이용한 공급 적절성 평가 및 영향요인 분석

최지윤, 강정은 (2024). 아동친화시설의 공간 접근도를 이용한 공급 적절성 평가 및 영향요인 분석. 2024 대한국토도시계획학회 춘계학술대회. (2024. 5. 9. - 2024. 5. 10.) 


This study aims to evaluate the adequacy of supply and spatial equity of child-friendly facilities to foster a Child-Friendly City in Busan, South Korea, for guaranteeing children's rights. To achieve this, spatial accessibility was measured by conducting E2SFCA for child welfare facilities and playgrounds targeting elementary school child. Furthermore, Tobit regression analysis was conducted using the average accessibility to each facility as dependent variables to identify socioeconomic and regional factors influencing the accessibility and evaluate socioeconomic equity differences. The analysis revealed that approximately 70% and 50% of children in Busan belong to the lowest accessibility groups for playgrounds and welfare facilities. This indicates that the overall accessibility of child-friendly facilities in Busan is poor. Besides, the accessibility of welfare facilities and playgrounds varied according to socioeconomic characteristics. Children tended to have higher accessibility to playgrounds as parental income levels increased, while lower-income families showed higher accessibility to child welfare facilities. Children residing in apartments, as opposed to non-apartment housing, demonstrated better physical and service accessibility to both types of facilities. It can be observed that the level of facility services available to children varies depending on factors such as parental income level, housing type and land uses. Also there are not many children who can equally access both types of facilities. This suggests the need to consider both the efficiency of supply and location in public facility provision, along with distributive equity based on socioeconomic characteristics. Based on the results, this study can be utilized as an evaluation and analytical resource for promoting a Child-Friendly City in Busan. In addition, by identifying characteristics based on regional types and proposing corresponding policy implications, this study has significance in guiding the direction of future policies regarding the supply of child-friendly facilities. 

키워드 : 아동친화도시, 아동친화시설, 공간적 형평성, 공간적 접근성 

사사 : 스마트시티

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